Louis Katz

Louis Katz is an eclectic clayer whose work covers a wide spectrum of the genre. He has been creating work about the way practitioners of the ceramic arts define themselves and box themselves in with words and concepts sine 1975. It is hard to gain a clear idea of the breadth of this work without resorting to images, but it starts with functional tableware and travels to conceptual works. Along the way there are idiosyncratic offshoots including music, a flame throwing pipe organ, a remote control brick and work made of slipcast glass. This website itself can be seen as means to understand this man who writes about himself in the third person.

Bodies of work at the far reaches include a flame throwing pipe organ, slipcast glass, kilns, video installations, brick, and functional paintings. His writings include topics such as Thai Ceramics, understanding firing, statements on bodies of work, and perhaps the first computer program for glaze calculation.

Images - of works in clay

Louis' physical works in clay and other media stretching back to undergraduate school

Manifesti: - video installations

A gallery of clayer video installations since 2008

Course Information

an online file repository for course materials, handouts, and other needed files for coursework. The syllabi are all outdated. New versions are now linked off the TAMUCC home page.


Gail Busch Website



Glaze Calculation

-links to help files for understanding glaze calculation, an online calculator, and videos about glazes and understanding mols.Although no longer an expert in the field of glaze calculation among these links you can find a rewrite of the first computerized glaze calculation program.


Musical Compositions

These pieces were all written in Finale Music Software and have yet to be played by humans, you can hear the computer play them here.









Websites in case of need





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