Louis' notes on going from KiCAD to JLCPCB robotic assembly.
The link is better!
File/Plot Check
- Select Output Directory
- Plot format Gerber
- Included Layers
- F.Cu
- B.Cu
- F.Paste
- B.Paste
- F.Silk
- B.Silk
- F.Mask
- B.Mask
- E.Cuts
- Check
- Plot Footprint Values
- Plot Footprint References
- Exclude PCB Edge from other layers
- Exclude pads from silscreen
- Default Line width 0.1 mm
- Check zone fills before plotting
- Coordinate Format 4.6 unit mm
- Generate Drill Files
- Check
- Eccellon
- Use Route Command
- Map File Format
- Drill Origin
- Absolute
- Millimeters
- Decimal Format
- Drill Map File Format
- Generate Drill File
Zip the Gerbers with the drill file.
- Add Arturos BOM Script or make the file without.
- Schematic View click BOM Symbol.
- Add plugin
- Go back and Generate
- Change to LCSC Part Number
- Get rid of non-assembled parts
- Headers should be Comment, Designator, Footprint, LCSC Part Number
- Save as .csv
- Go to PCB Editor File/Fabrication Output/ Footprint Position
- Select Directory
- Check
- Format CSV
- Units mm
- Files One file per side
- With Insert Attribute set
Edit file for JLCPCB compliance
- Modified Header
- Ref becomes Designator
- PosX? become Mid X
- PosY? becomes Mid Y
- Rot becomes Rotation
- Side becomes Layer
Rename BOM.csv
Get rid of bottom cpl file
- Gerbers, Check
- All Footprints
- Fills
- Holes
- Vias
- Silkscreen
- EdgeCuts?
- Check Assembly Coupon
- Check Quantity
- Double Check Part Numbers
- Confirm Parts
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