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- Immediate Life supplies
- First Aid and Face Masks,
- Water
- Flash Light and spare batteries.
- Cell Phone Backup Battery Pack and appropriate cables
- Food, ready to eat. Caffeine if you have an addiction, instant coffee can work.
- Basic Tools and Supplies, Duct Tape, Candle and matches?
- Weather Gear, rain coats, cold weather gear?
- Clothing changes.
- Medicine. This certainly includes several days of prescription medicine. If it is critical perhaps you need it in two places, a few days on your person, and then a week or two elsewhere.
- Over the counter meds for common problems, I see this different than first aid, but feel free to include them together if it makes you comfortable.
- Papers
- Copies of Insurance Policies and phone numbers of carriers
- Critical IDs? such as Passports and Drivers Licenses. Ham Radio License, ARES RACES even Volunteer Examiner Credentials. Maybe your work ID. Discount Cards and Frequent Flyer Numbers.
- Marriage Certificates, Copy of Will, Contact info for your lawyer, Durable Power of Attorneys,
- Bank Info other asset access information encrypted, last statements
- Clothing (A week might be more than you need, but if your house is gone it makes a reasonable interval for laundry. Bring at least one "good looking" set of cloths much as I think that this should not be necessary.
- Spare shoes, at least one set should be ready for weather. My Crocs are comfortable.
- Work Cloths so that when you return you can hit the ground ready to work.
- Electronics
- Chargers and Cables for everything
- Powerstrip for hotel room
- Extra Battery Pack