Category Archives: T book on People leading to Thailand

These are essays about Thailand, Ceramics Based on a historical Sequence of people.

Souper 5$ a Week

I showed up in Kansas City MO for a year of school but in early July. I had $50 in my pocket but found a place where I could pay 1/2 month for a room in a shared house, “The Cowboy Hotel” is what we called it. My room was an uninsulated attic. I had about $15 left. I went to the food co-op and bought a bag of lentils that had red beans accidentally mixed in. It was a good price. I started sprouting the lentils.
I went down to The Plaza and got a job washing dishes. The owner yelled at the staff through a microphone. To say it was not polite was really an understatement. I felt bad for the nice people that worked there, but decided I would rather not go to school than be abused all day. I quit. I did demand my 2 hours of pay. I was direct and forceful about it being abusive.
I walked up the hill towards Rockport and arrived at a place called The Super. I applied for a dishwashing job. The application had all sorts of information that was unneeded for a dishwasher including college degrees, foreign languages, etc. I filled in the foreign languages: Fortran, Assembly language (this was a stretch), PLC, Treble, Bass and Tenor Clefs.
The manager came out and said, “Its boring around here. Can you come here on Sunday?” I washed dishes for about 3 months. After the first week I stopped eating lentils with lentil sprouts every day. I also became a prep cook. All the veges in soups were cut fresh. I was required to sharpen my knife to the point of being able to shave every day. Half way through I had to recheck it. I worked there for two years.
We did use a slicer attachment on a Hobart for somethings, but other veges had specific shapes and sizes. Becoming efficient was a challenge. The other prep cook was probaby 20% faster than I was.

The garden and tomatos

It is common to value things with money. This car cost so many dollars. But as someone with a job it is often better to think of things as hours worked. Say you can get buy on a $24 dollar an hour job and that you clear $20. But you see a shiny new Iphone that you want and it will cost your $100 plus $40 more monthly. That would be 5 hours of work now and then another two each month over and above what you are already working.  In a year that is 29 hours extra you have to work to have the phone. It about 3/4 of a weeks work or two weekend’s work.

There was a Co-Evolution Quarterly article on this ages ago. I did  not read it. I heard about it from a friend. It talked about the cost in hours of driving a car for errands vs the cost in hours of using a bicycle. Another similar one compared hourly costs of a new car vs a beater car including time taking it too and from repair shops. It is a useful way to look at things. Often saving money is easier than earning it. Sometimes it is not.

Anyhow, in order to stay in school and succeed I needed to not spend much money. I did spend a few dollars on a book, “The No-Fad, Good Food 5$ a Week Cookbook”Caroline ACKERMAN 1974 .  The book was written by a mother who was worried about her children. She had gone on a hiking trip with them and their friends. My memory is that it was about 4 days. They hiked in for a day and dinner came. She ate it but thought, “no meat”. Well she figured there would be some the next day. There was none at lunch. At dinner when there was none she spoke up, “Where is the meat?”. The kids said, “No meat mom, we are hiking” . She said, ” We’d better go back, we are going to starve! ” They responded , “Mom, its two days back or two days to finish, we are not going to starve.”

Her children were about to go off to school and she was worried about them. She read, and although from Canada decided that they should know how to meet their minimun US Daily Adult Requirements for food.

I used the book as a guide and for a school year I kept track of expenses and spent $3.27 per week on average. During this time I was working at The Souper and  ate a meal there and brought home about a pound of bread ends.  The diet was mostly rice, beans and inexpensive vegetables including potatoes, onions, and cabbage. But I also purchase winter squash and pumpkin when it was cheap. A 10 pound pumpkin can be had very inexpensively the day after Halloween. I bought 6 eggs every week. I made yogurt from non-instant dry powdered milk which was inexpensive because of subsidies. I sometimes turned it into Labney, or yogurt cheese. The whey went into my bread that I baked.

I made tofu a few times. I bought almost no “prepared” food although I was using some margarine to save money. I did splurge on a stick of butter every few weeks. 

This is about the time my father started in on me, “You can’t survive as a vegetarian”. I do not think a year went by when he harassed me with this. I was never a vegetarian. I even at some turkey bought when really cheap and occasionally chuck steaks. But chicken showed up frequently. He seemed to start up when he was meeting my friends. It was annoying. He knew it.

About the time of his coronary bypass operation about a decade after his heart attacks his doctor told him, “You know, if you became a vegetarian you likely would not live much longer, but you would have a better time doing it.” I started introducing him. “This is my father, Joe. He is a vegetarian.”

Freshmand from the dorms on Sundays.

Just sitting

By the time fourth or fifth grade hit I had some idea about statistics. I used to answer a friend’s questions, “Do you think you will take a trip in June?” with responses like. “80% yes.” I was a Determinist. Determinism is the belief that all events are caused by prior events including those classified as “free will”. We got the way we are by previous events and out experience and physicality determines how we will act. I am still one, but it has become less important in my life.
One of the more pressing mental issues in my life is some good dose of some form of ADHD. Likely I will need to bring this up later, separately, but it does have an impact on motivation. Even by fourth or fifth grade consciousness of these issues was at least in part there. I had a hard time getting going on things, even fun things.  Being a determinist I thought maybe I was preordained to have no motivation. There seemed no reason to do anything. I decided that I better test it. I sat down. I did nothing. I really cannot say how long this lasted. Buddhist say that the Buddha meditated for 49 days. I likely did not last 49 minutes. I did last more than 49 seconds.
In sitting contemplating not having any motivation I came to some conclusions.
1. I was bored just sitting.
2. Sitting was not being fun.
3. Maybe I was preordained to have motivation to do something.
4. Maybe my current state wanted fun.
I was not preordained to have motivation to only sit.
It did not take long but I decided that true or not, determinism was not very much fun. I did find that the attitude was not easy to explain to others my age. I got up. 

I have heard many arguments against determinism. None really hold water for me. Simply stated most of these arguments are that because you cannot observe a state without changing it you cannot know what the condition is  that will bring about the next position. Just because you cannot know it, does not mean it does not exist. Because you cannot determine what will be does not necessarily mean that it is not predetermined by the previous state.

Perhaps it will come up again, but these thoughts led me to think about models and scientific theories,,, how they are approximations always. I have generalized this with the following statement.
“The only adequate model for how anything works is the entire totality.”


titles, limits, outlines, categories

  • The function of this post is to create titles for a collection of essays, or perhaps a cohesive storyline within which to constrain writing.
  • General Categories
  • Technical about Clay
  • Technical but more general
  • Aesthetics and Quality
  • Idea generation, innovation
  • my work
  • Thailand Culture
  • Thailand Clay
  • People I know
  • Food?
  • Philosphy, predetermination, uncertainty, humility,
  • Lessons from Thai Buddhism, Japan,
  • Environment พอเพียง Sufficiency Economy
  • Thai Politics
  • ADHD, dysgraphia
  • the problems of uniform expectations, education, pro diversity.


Burners, Atmospheric, Considerations, Addendum on Wood

Kiln Burner Painting

Venturi Burner by Louis Katz , all-weather paint stick on plywood, torched.

Nothing in this post should be considered safety information. A lot of it is just what I think, not having read it anywhere in a format I could really understand. Other information I am consolidating.

Atmospheric burners are not understood particularly well by ceramic artists. I am going to try and clarify some things about them. I have not found any wonderful texts about them, most of what I know has been gleaned from catalogs that used to provide much more information than can be found now. While this is almost exclusively Eclipse® and Pyronics® catalogs others have entered into the mix.  To simplify things I am only going to consider Natural gas, an impure methane that is generally delivered through pipes to homes and businesses. I live in the US. So its possible that something I say will only be applicable here,,, but I can’t think what that would be.

Entrained Air
An atmospheric burner with a venturi tube is a device whose function is to efficiently use the kinetic energy of gas coming out of an orifice to carry air with it. The air that it carries through the burner is called “entrained air” also “primary air”. 

The orifice that the gas flows out of is called the orifice, sort of a truism. The size of the orifice and the pressure the gas is under determines how many BTUs, calories, or cubic feet of gas are flowing into the burner. Orifices that are properly made and drilled create less turbulence when the gas exits the orifice and prevents loss of kinetic energy. This consequently increases the amount of air that will or can be entrained. We will discuss this further below in several places.

Primary Air
Primary air is the air entrained in the burner. The air coming into the kiln around the end of the burner is secondary air.  I guess much of this is redundant. It seemed needed. 

Flame Retention Ring
These are devices on the kiln end of the venturi tube whose job is to efficiently mix the gas and air, create a faster area for the mixed gas and air to flow through, and often provide a small amount of slower gas around the circumference to act as a pilot for the flame so that it will always light near the Retention Ring.  The faster speed is so that the mixed gas and air is moving out quicker than it is burning back into the burner. If the speed in the retention ring is too slow then you get back burning, burning inside the venturi tube. This creates soot and other troubles.

Methane – CH4

How Atmospheric burners, a mixer head where the orifice and air come, a venturi or straight tube, and flame retention ring, are sized.

The exact amount of oxygen (from air) needed to burn a molecule of methane, CH4, into carbon dioxide and water is CH4 +2O2 = CO2 + 2H20,, two molecules of O2. How much is this by volume or weight is not really important. But this ratio, we will call Neutral Combustion.

If it were only the gas we were concerned with then burners would be sized by the size of the gas orifice. You would not use a burner, and just pump gas into the kiln. All the air would be brought in with the chimney and the kiln would need to be kept at a higher negative pressure to do this. But there are two problems with this. One is that any leaks in the kiln will bring larger amounts of air in, and if they are not near the gas source then they will cool those areas, and keep them oxidizing more than anyone would need them to be. The second problem is that you need mixing of gas and air.  Gas heated in the absence of enough oxygen will produce soot, pure or nearly pure carbon. [This is hard on people contributing to heart disease, lung disease and cancer along with particulate pollution and other environmental effects.] Soot can be very slow to burn. There may be times when you want soot such as carbon trapping glazes but for the most part it is usually just wasted fuel. Assuming that the mixing of gas and air before heating is good, then this happens when the oxygen is less than 1/2 of the amount needed. CH4+O2 = C +2 H2O. In general this is a good way to waste fuel. In small gas kilns some of this burns in the chimney, but some does not. Unfortunately Carbon does not reduce carbon dioxide to monoxide, at least not easily as far as I know. I suspect that if you heat carbon and carbon dioxide hot enough you will get carbon monoxide forming,,, but I do not know enough to be sure of this. Perhaps a chemist will chime in.

[I recently found a copy of a a catalog for the  now unavailable single state Low Pressure Injectors from Eclipse. It gives numbers for 30-50% entrainment. This does not fit my memory or understanding.  Eclipse Atmospheric Injectors, Bulletin 650, 1/8/2015]

The charts that I have seen for burners being sold generally state an assumed amount of entrained air. For example; These numbers may assume that some percentage of the air needed for neutral combustion will be entrained by the burner. That is, a little over 1/2 the air needed to completely burn the gas will be entrained by the burner (or mixed in at the burner tip as secondary air). You will get some CO2 from this air, but most of the carbon will leave as CO which will still burn if more air, more O2, is provided. You only need or want a little CO for reduction. Too much and your kiln will not climb in temp and you will waste time, fuel, money. Too little will be talked about under mixing a few paragraphs down. 

The rest of the air needed is supplied by secondary air coming in around the flame retention ring. The O2 in this air burns the CO into CO2.

Why do you get more BTUs with higher pressures?

Lets just say you have a cubic meter, or cubic yard if you insist, of gas. I find it easier to image this with more gas especially when it is at a very low pressure, say 1cm water column, or 1 inch water column if you prefer. The gas, coming out of the orifice will come out slowly and will have little kinetic energy in the stream. In fact it will only have the kinetic energy used to compress it. If you use way more energy to compress the gas you will also need a smaller orifice if the gas is going to come out at the same rate. But having put more energy in you get more energy out. This energy, in part transfers to the air coming into the burner, in fact this energy is what draws air into the burner. I find it easier to visualize with the idea that the gas coming out the orifice blows air out of the burner, the air then needs to be replaced so more is drawn in. High pressure, small orifice, entrains more air because there is more “blow”, more kinetic energy, in the gas. More air means that keeping to 65% of what you need for full combustion, means you can use more gas. More gas means even more kinetic energy. Higher pressures increase the capacity of the burner. However they also increase turbulence. At some point the amount entrained in the burner no longer increases much as the pressure increases. When you get to the point where the air that can be entrained drops below 65% of that needed you have reached the maximum practical pressure of the burner.  Eclipse and Pyronics used to release good charts on their burners that mostly made this clear if you studied the numbers. 

Negative pressure at the burner port.

If  kiln is hot and the damper open you can get a slight decrease in pressure at the burner port. Assuming that the burner is placed properly in relation to the port, this decrease in pressure will allow more air to be pushed (or pulled if you like) through the burner,,, . I think of this lower pressure as sucking air through the burner. [The sucking or pulling is an easier model but is not technically correct.]  Lets assume that you make those ports too big. In order to get a given volume through them you need only a little pressure difference. As they get smaller, the pressure in the ports is going to fall. This increases the capacity of the burners because it decreases the pressure at the burner head. There needs to be enough space around them for the requisite secondary air. [100%-65%=35%]. But often these ports are made too large if the goal is maximizing the capacity of the burners so that you can heat faster.

Further the flame retention ring acts in respect to the burner port similar to the gas in the burner and carries secondary air into the kiln using its kinetic energy.


In order for the gas to burn it has to be in contact with the oxygen in the air. If it gets hot without the air it won’t burn. If it gets hot with only a little air you will get soot. The most important mixing happens before it burns, in the flame retention ring. Burners made without them have the potential to waste a lot of fuel as soot . CH4+O2 = C +2 H2O. Interestingly higher gas pressure should produce more turbulence in a given amount of time but the gases also move through the burner body quicker. I think that you end up with better mixing, but I am not sure.  It does appear that you get better mixing with the secondary air.

About 68 percent of the heat in methane is released burning it to carbon monoxide. Knowing this makes it clear why firing closer to neutral is quicker. I like to think if firing with too little air, firing in too much reduction, as being like paddling upstream with a small paddle.

Bad mixing, too little primary air, soot, once the kiln is quite hot,  can make determining if you are reducing difficult. The soot can be burning off in the flue making flame and looking like reduction. The same can happen out spyholes. You can close down one burner’s primary air and get soot, have the kiln oxidize and have flame at the spy holes (bungs) and at the flue.

While we are on it, the flame does not come out of the kiln unless there is oxygen that is not yet combined coming out as well. The flames we normally see from uncombusted gases coming out from the kiln are hollow and start where they come in contact with fresh air. Paying attention to this, especially in wood or oil kilns can save a lot of heartache and trouble.

Heat is released when all the necessities for combustion are met, heat, O2, fuel and mixing. Well I suppose they are not in the same place unless they are mixed, but that is a fine point. The sooner good mixing takes place the sooner the heat is released. Since primary air mixes at the burner, secondary air released later in the kiln chamber. Up to a point this can be used to control temp in different parts of the kiln. 

Mixing is always imperfect. As you approach neutral combustion you should assume that some parts of the kiln are in oxidation, some reduction, as well as some parts effectively neutral. Likely with methane there is always some water gas reaction. Who knows how long hydrogen can survive in a mixed atmosphere.  There is too much I don’t know.

Wood Combustion

Part of this dynamic and discussion seems very important in wood kilns, particularly long ones. “This is what I see happening.”” This seems in part more like conjecture.” I am going to encode sentences with how certain I am of them. Sentences with fairly high certainties will have one period. Sentences where I am pretty sure two periods.. Less certain, three periods… just a working theory, four…. These are of course approximate. Some things might be substantiated by reading, some by experience, some just because they make sense.

Pyrolysis of wood produces many products. At higher temperatures these include H2 (hydrogen molecules), CH4 (Methane), CO (Carbon Monoxide) , and CO2(Carbon Dioxide) and H2O (water). Charcoal becomes mostly just carbon and ash as pyrolysis progresses. As it becomes more pure it burns more and more only on the surface. 
Before coming into contact with added air, some of the methane and water is going to go through the water gas reaction, CO+ H2O = CO2 + H2  .. This does not really change what is in the mix, just the proportions of it.

So, for me the easiest to start with is the Hydrogen. It is the easiest to burn.. It has the lowest flash point and the highest affinity for oxygen of all the common products of pyrolysis.. It burns first.. Like carbon monoxide its affinity for oxygen makes it an agent for reduction. But these two ingredients appear to have different properties of reduction of glazes.. This  appears to create some of the vagaries of wood fire.

Because of hydrogen’s high affinity for oxygen and its tendancy to burn quicker and easier it is the first to leave the stream. Because of this, it often is not likely to affect the clay. It disappears too quickly by becoming water. But one of its properties differentiates it from carbon monoxide. It is more soluble in glass than carbon monoxide.. Where carbon monoxide either needs to reduce a glaze only on the surface or only before it is melted, hydrogen can effectively penetrate the surface of the glass and reduce materials after they have melted.. This appears to be the mechanism that creates the salmon colored flashing often sought in wood and soda firing.. How this relates to other mysticism relating to the miraculous Avery Kaolin I don’t know. I am certain that Alan Watts must have done a lecture on Avery…

That salmon color seems to require a small amount of volitalized alkali metal. You can get it with both potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate is vapor kilns. It is not strictly a soda color. But introduction of water into a reducing stream of gas appears to increase the amount of salmon color.. I first heard of this from Mac McClanahan in the early 1980’s and then I tested it. It seemed true. Further use of it in my work, and my students has made me more certain..  The year after testing it I was a resident at The Archie Bray and read about the water gas reaction being used to reduce iron oxide in brick and lowering the maturing temperature of pavering block in Archie’s old library. I became a believer.

The next fuel in the mix is CH4. Given enough oxygen this just burns to water and carbon dioxide, just like it would coming from a pipe.  The Hydrogen generally goes to water first but given some existing water some of it becomes hydrogen. This is the part of this that makes me squirm and wonder if the model is correct. Some of it if mixed with air poorly or if the oxygen mix is too low becomes soot and water.  This is part of the reason that firebox design  in wood kilns seems critical. Methane burning with suffient oxygen has a blue color.

Carbon monoxide, just as in gas kilns appears to be the main reduction agent lingering in part, if you are firing in reduction, until it comes out from the kiln. The yellow orange flame at the flue or spy holes, if not the result of sodium flare, appears to be the carbon monoxide burning. Oxy -Hydrogen flames have a similar color but are much weaker in light. This can keep things confused I think. I believe that this color is more towards red, but also has a small component of blue…

It can be really difficult to determine the source of a flame color. It is important in learning to do this to evaluate the hue as this changes by source. There are several different fuels with yellow orange flames.

In a kiln, you only see flame where there is enough combustion to create enough light. I suspect that the water-gas reaction also produces light…

This brings us to carbon, soot, C, is of all of these fuels the hardest to burn. The first part of this is that it just needs a higher temperature to combust. I believe that Cardew states that this is 650˚C and I have seen other reference to 660˚C..  Cold air can extinguish burning carbon.. It also produces less heat per gram. The third is that it tends to clump when it is produced and can only mix with air on its outside layer. It has the ability to lengthen flames if the kiln has sufficient oxygen. Carbon may have an important role in evening the temperature in long single chamber kilns….But soot leaving the kiln is wasted fuel.

I wonder if having multiple stoke ports along with its obvious use in evening temperature also contributes to a bigger distribution of salmon color as it puts the hydrogen closer to more of the ware….

Burning charcoal that has lost its volatiles requires hot air. Since it only burns on the surface it goes away slowly. Maintaining the heat is critical to burn charcoal and this is one of the important aspects of Bourry box kilns. The do this by putting the location to burn charcoal after the production of methane and hydrogen and after where these gases start to burn.

Archie Bray Foundation Front showing bottles by Louis and stack of Gail's

Archie Bray Foundation Front showing Louis’ soda fired bottles and stack of Gail Busch’s in the window. Brick were fired in the brickyard.


Clayers Like it Hot!

Clayers like it hot. We just need the heat to be inside the correct box.
Ice Point
This short essay touches on a lot of things, I will try and get it in a good linear organization.
Thermocouples work because metals exposed to differing temperatures in different places develop a voltage between those two places. Different metals produce differing voltages. So when you take say a chromel wire and an alumel wire and connect on end at the other end you will have a voltage dependent on the temperature at each end. These voltages are not linear. So if the meter end is at 70˚F and the connected end is at 170˚F you get a slightly different voltage than if cold end is at 75˚F and the hot end at 175˚F.
Further, if your two connections at your meter (you meter is almost certainly made with copper alloy wire) are at different temperatures you get two more thermocouples at the meter throwing off the measurement. Thermocouple wire, chosen to match the properties of the thermocouple usually connect the thermocouple to the meter (unless the thermocouple is directly connected).
The standard temperature for the end by the meter is 32˚F(0˚C), known in this context as the “ice point”. In order to get accurate readings you might have once placed this connection, watertight, in a bath of icewater. For years meters had electrical compensation for this temperature to make the meter read as if it were at zero. This was refered to as “ice point compensation”. Newer quality meters read the ambient temperature with a thermistor and compensate digitally. Cheaper meters assumed that they were at a particular temperature say 75˚F.
Old analog meters with a needle dealt with the non-linear aspect of thermocouples by printing a scale that was also not linear. Some parts of the scale had lines drawn closer together than other parts of the scale. It was a clever, inexpensive way to deal with the non-linearity.

Because of compensation, kiln control boards likely have on-board temperature sensing. Once they have that it is trivial to design a board to turn the kiln off if the ambient temperature is too high. In the US, having the means to turn off a malfunctioning kiln or kiln operating at an unsafe temperature is a liability issue. It also can vastly reduce kiln lifespan.

Derating of Electronics
Most electronics is designed to operate at or near room temperature. Cars use specific components that are vibration and heat resistant. The military and NASA have their own set of requirements. As you raise the ambient temperature the amount of current a device can take at one time and its lifespan falls. Even if a device is rated at say 120˚F it may fail sooner if operated or stored that hot. It also might need a larger heat sink (piece of aluminum designed to dissapate the heat).
Every electronic and electrical component in the kiln has a temperature rating. Just like elements fired at a higher temperature, power cords, relays, outlets, and control boards are going to fail sooner if operated at a high temperature. Circuit breakers trip sooner in hot weather too. Further as things get hotter, corrosion speeds up.
***Entropy discussion fits here.

I do not know exactly at what temperature Skutt Control Boards give a high ambient temperature warning, but I expect that the boards themselves are already above 100˚F. Heat gets to the control board a lot of ways, but there is insulation blocking much of the radiated heat, openings for convection, and little washer like things between the red box and kiln shell. Still the red box does heat up and consequently so does the control board. You can place a small fan to blow through the control box, something like an old computer fan, not a box fan. You want to avoid fans blowing on the kiln case.
Things that can be done to limit the heat in a kiln room. Open it up, windows, doors, fans in doors. Fire at night (make sure that you do not sleep in a house with a firing kiln). Start early in the morning. Fire faster so that less heat gets out of the kiln before you are done. Fire so that the hot part of the firing is in the evening if the outside temp is greater than 100 during the day.
My insulated studio gets warm in the winter with 1000 watts of heat. Your kiln say drawing 40 amps at 240 volts is just under 10,000 watts. This is a lot of heat and your air conditioner might not want to keep up with it. Plan ahead.
Please do not hang out in very hot kiln rooms and drink enough water. But make sure, especially in hot environments that you monitor your kiln.

Boat Duck Noodle Soup

ก๋วยเตี๋ยวเรือ Boat Noodles

“Louis, What do you want for dinner?” This was the question my Thai friends, for all intents and purposes, family, asked me.  I requested Duck Soup with noodles. It was special, I was just getting to town. The only places they were sure had Duck soup were not open yet. Once I said duck soup it became the objective. Two hours later, no matter how much I said, “lets find something practical”, we were still looking for duck soup. My family there is 180 degrees out of phase with “practical”.

Soup with rice noodles ก๋วยเตี๋ยวเรือ kwuaytiyo rya  is a common street food throughout Southeast Asia. In Thailand it is often sold by vendors with pushcarts, and folding tables and chairs. I particularly like the duck variety although I often eat the pig variety or chicken. เรือ Rya means boat and these were traditionally served from boats on the canals and river in Krung Thep. The first part of the name appears to be Chinese or Malay, I am not sure.

It is hard to understand how important food is in Thailand. Even a rushed lunch location is an important decision. There is almost always a sauce, or three, available and often there is customization, do you want innards or not? Extra meat? The special version or regular? And then in places you can ask for all sorts of things. Some dishes always come with the same garni and/or condiments. A few dishes always come with clear broth.

But kwauytiyo is relatively simple except that I can never hang onto how to say it. You can order it without liquid, but it normally is with broth. You get to choose the kind of noodle in most places.  Normaly you would get rice noodles. But even these come in three plain varieties, wide, small, and round, There are flat 2 inch square noodles served in other dishes. Then there are bha mii, a wheat noodle with egg, woon sen, a bean thread, and mama noodles, the instant ramen noodles.

Where I stay in Thailand there is a noodle cart permanently parked on the sidewalk by the bridge over the highway. These bridges are called floating spans. Anyhow this cart is only open nights. I suspect that the owners use it to suppliment income. They only serve the pig variety. In my opinion it is pretty plain, but makes a great 10pm snack.

The meat is usually inexpensive cuts sliced thing. In first quality beef soup there is usually some tendon. It helps make a great broth. There are often “fish balls” or other protein concoctions, usually round. There can be liver. Since it is not broiled, this is something I usually do not have a big problem with. A friend commiserates with me about liver, he says he would rather eat the oil filter. I can relate. If the dish is served in a fish variety it is usually with luuk chin pla, Thai gefilte fish.

I cannot speak to to the seafood version of kwautiyo I never order it. I seem to be the poster child for food poisoning from clams. I stay away.

Namtok, meaning I believe “waterfall” at least literally refers to adding blood to the broth. This makes it much richer. It is not always available.  If you are European they might assume that you do not want it.

Once you get it on the table you have condiments to fix it up. There is Naam Pla Phrik or Fish sauce with peppers, usually there is some coarse grind of red pepper, sugar sometimes, salt, plain fish sauce and ground white pepper. Chopsticks and soupspoons are stored on the table in a long stainless box. After you add your customization you stir it by picking up some of the noodles breaking up the wad of them.

After a couple of hours of driving around we finally got to a chicken noodle place. It was on the route home which is good. They were great.


rice noodle  ก๋วยเตี๋ยว Ǩwyteī̌yw
boat เรือ Reụ̄x
duck เป็ด Pĕd
fish sauce with pepper น้ำปลาพริก N̂ảplā phrik
fish balls ลูกชิ้นปลา Lūkchîn plā
waterfall น้ำตก N̂ảtk

Nonthaburi นนทบุรี

Khun Doris, then head of the Fulbright was also interested in Pottery. She told of the Pakred and Kohkred potteries. She may have also given us the idea to visit Khun Pisarn Boonpug. I am not sure of this. The potter was also listed in a small book I had managed to purchase on Pottery in Thailand before I left the US.

Koh means “island” and Koh kred is an Island in the Chao Praya river, the river that divides the old Thai capital of Thonburi from the new Thai capital of Krung Thep, City of Angels, known in the west by the little village that the city ate, Bangkok which likely meant village of makok, a fruit. Krung Thep is much more interesting. It could maybe be said to have a mirror in Los Angeles, also City of Angels, but Thep refers to Thai Angles and Krung Thep is only the abbreviated name. The full name, Krungthepmahanakhon Amonrattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilokphop Noppharatratchathaniburirom Udomratchaniwetmahasathan Amonphimanawatansathit Sakkathattiyawitsanukamprasit
กรุงเทพมหานคร อมรรัตนโกสินทร์ มหินทรายุธยา มหาดิลกภพ นพรัตนราชธานีบูรีรมย์ อุดมราชนิเวศน์มหาสถาน อมรพิมานอวตารสถิต สักกะทัตติยวิษณุกรรมประสิทธิ์ translates as, City of angels, great city of immortals, magnificent city of the nine gems, seat of the king, city of royal palaces, home of g-ds incarnate, erected by Vishvakarman at Indra’s behest.
Anyhow, Kohkred Island is upstream of there, a nice day trip.

Likely I will get some of the dates wrong, but I visited Koh Kred and Pakred on the  eastern bank of the river in 1989. It is not that far from Don Muang airport.  On the first occasion we took a boat upstream to a dock near Pakred and walked downstream to the earthenware potteries. We then took a boat across the river to Koh Kred and were met at the ferry by someone who appeared to be a tout.  Really he just wanted us to enjoy the Island. He showed us the temple, the murals inside and described some history. The mortars on the island were stout, with very heavy rims and bases. They had more clay in them than any other mortars in Thailand. They were made by the thousands. While the mortars of Dankwian make the worlds most delicious green papaya salad, these mortars held up to the pounding of the pestles. They were durable. I do not know if they are still made.

The fuel in the kilns was palm fronds, the leaf stems. The mortars, fired hot, showed the orange peel texture of salt glazed ware. I asked the locals how much salt they were putting into the kilns. They said “salt doesn’t burn”. I thought

The wheels on the Island and in Pakred were single speed with many wheels run on separate shafts driven by long pulleys. Each wheel had a belt tensioner that acted as a clutch. The technique did not involve centering. The pot was thrown from a large piece of clay on the wheel, but that piece was made out of a pug. The large piece was coil thrown out of the pug. It was an amazing process, there is a little footage of this in Beyond Dankwian, the second hour of my movie on Thai Pottery.

Clay and fuel was brought to the island on boats. We were told that digging clay on the Island was not smart as the Island would sink. It is only a few feet above river level. The Island is small and there are no roads, although there are a few motorcylces that operate on the sidewalks.

The potteries were working hard with people throwing at each kiln site we visited, pots in all stages of production. Back then, the land was cheap, labor was cheap, clay was cheap, and fuel was not too expensive. They were burning palm fronds.

In 1994 I had the honor and good fortune to be invited to be the “Presenter” for a group of potters at the Festival of AMerican Folklife on The Mall in Washington DC.

In 1998 in Ceramics Monthly magazine an article said that the potteries were dying out. Between the visit of the author and the publication in Ceramics Monthly, His late Royal Highness King Bhumipol The Great visited the island and said that it was a beautiful place to visit. I do not have an exact quote. The next weekend the Island was over run with visitors. I visited a month after that and there was hardly room to walk. Not only were there almost no pots, there was no water for sale. You could buy colas and other drinks and knick knacks.

In around 2004 I visited the Island again. It was under stress. There was a lot of pressure for land to be sold for high rises. There has been pressure to build a bridge across the Chao Praya river using the Island. The locals like their quiet life without cars and so far they have been able to protect it.


Check CM for article on Failing pottery.
Check date for visit of HRH King Bhumipol The Great and try and get a direct quote.
Check date of my next visit. Try and find an article on the bridge plan.

Soda or Potash,,, salt does not burn.
offer of a job.

Uncle Bernie

Uncle Bernie was everyone’s uncle. This was told to me by the child of one of his friends at his funeral service. It rang true. My friends called him “Uncle Bernie” my  parents, aunts and other uncles called him that, at least in our presence. It would not surprise me if they called him Uncle Bernie in his favorite restaurants.

Bernie was a pianist, but to call him that seems thin, it does not contain him. His house was “mad” a favorite word of his to describe things that are “over the top”. He had beaded lamp that could have been used to upscale the set for “The Adams Family”. He lived in a duplex across Jefferson from Bell Isle in Downtown Detroit for most of his adult life. The duplex was all hardwood trim and floors, the lighting insufficient. It was full of antiques. It had the smell of old hardwood, antiques, must, and cooking. There was an aroma of coffee that hung around and I believe I can still imagine the smell of his sink and dishwasher.

When I was young my brothers and I would go into the attic and play a cylidrical record player. It was scratchy and a lot of fun. He also had a Victrola. It was cool, but not like the Edison record player. For a while we were told to be careful in the attic.The floor was insecure. This was from roof leaks. Rent was inexpensive. There was not money for repairs unless he paid for them. At some point when my parents were helping to care for him my mother insisted on increasing the rent so that the owner would participate in upkeep.

He had a a canopy bed with curtains. It was short. It was a copy of a much older bed. It looked like it was from the 1500’s. His house was full of paintings and prints, tableware, pottery, and Mason Hamlin grand that was built special of Ossip Gabrolovich. It was a glorious piano. It had a bass that to my ear sounded both rich and brilliant. It was a dream to play. The action was smooth, and not has hard as Yamahas or even Steinways. My fingers could sail a bit more. It was the first piano that seemed to draw expression from my fingers without effort.

Bernie was generous. It was not just things or money. He wanted to hear me play each time I came over. He played for me and let me sing. But he also showed me how to do things when I was young. He had me make espresso at one of his parties and introduced me to Turkish Coffee.

There was nothing like Uncle Bernie coming to visit, nothing. He would pound on the door, Boom Boom Boom. The three of us Katz Boys would put on our father’s felt hats and run around like crazy as we fought over who would open the door! Bernie would be standing with his arms stretched out and wiggling slowly like Frankenstein and then shuffle in. He almost always had something special. These are the gifts that I remember. But you have to think back, this was in the 1960’s exotic food, was.

He came with Okra dried on thread. A few times he came with green or brown licorice. It was decades before I saw licorice in these colors again. He came for dinner and had a can of truffles (mushrooms), I was maybe 8 years old. I hated mushrooms but I tried these. I remember thinking, “These taste like dirt.” We probably ate the truffles with plastic silverware and on paper plates as they are hunted by pigs. In 2024 I had some truffle oil unknowingly. The food had an unusual taste, I thought it tasted of dirt. Then I found out,,, truffle oil.

He gave my mother a pound of paprika. My brothers once got a five year subscription to Mad Magazine. Spumoni Ice Cream was a frequent treat. Occasionally we ate at his house. Once he made us pizza. I do not remember what was on it, but it was unusual. For all I know it could have been a frog leg pizza. He often made souffles. Our house was full of paintings and antiques, mostly because of Bernie.

Bernie served us Steak Tartar. I wish I remembered more. He had great spices. He ate at fun restuarants. The owners knew him. He shopped at the large Eastern Market. His coffee was luscious. It was the first coffee I enjoyed drinking.

Bernie’s big brother Bill had piano lessons Bernie was about 5 or 6 years old.  Bill was in the kitchen talking with his father. “Bill, I thought that was you playing the piano. Who is it?” “Oh, that’s Bernie, he copies me.”. “You know Bill we cannot afford more piano lessons.”

Bill took Bernie down to his piano teacher to show him off. The piano teacher asked if he had had any lessons. Bill said “no”, we can’t afford them. The teacher said, “he is for free”.

When Bernie was 12 a friend of his father’s took Bernie to a bar to play. Bernie came home with more in tips than his father made in a day. The first day, dad, whose name I have, Louis,  was mad. After a week he got his head screwed on straight and realized that there was now more money.

About the time Bernie was 22 he recognized that he had a problem with alcohol and stopped drinking. It was affecting his ability to play.

Some people read music. Bernie devored it. He developed an incredible memory, and could fake anything, in any key. He could count seven against nine or any other odd combination of rythms with two hands.  A couple of times when I was growing up we got to go the Detroit Symphony and hear him play. The phone calls informing us went like this. I am playing with the symphony tonight at  7:30. Be there by seven and ask for my tickets at the box office.

At his end it would go like this. The phone would ring. “Bernie, the pianist got stuck in a snow storm, can you play XXXXXXXXXXX?. Bernie would say “yes”. Then he would say, “someone has to get my tux to the cleaners”, I need the music delivered, and dinner picked up at the Chinese Restauarant. It was near his house and had booths with walls and I think doors.  I at there a few times when I was young.

My parents were going on an international trip. They were working on a will in case something happened to them. The got the Katz brothers together and asked us, “If something happened to us which aunt or uncle would you like to live with. We had three choices. In unison we said, “UNCLE BERNIE”.

I tried out for Fiddler on the Roof. Bernie was the music director. I did not get selected. But during the tryouts he would accompany people. One person kept switching keys. After the second time Bernie would play ahead of the key switch modulating so that it sounded intentional.

Sometime, and I am not certain of the year, Bernie had a stroke and lost most of the function in his left hand. They told him that they would give him physical therapy. He was elated.
They came to take him and told him that they were going to teach him to walk. He said, I need to learn to use my hand. They said you have to learn to walk first. He told them to “xxxx off”.

They came back the next day and said that they would take him to learn to walk. He was prepared. He said, “I will do anything you want all morning long, anything”. In the afternoon you teach me to use my hand. ” They agreed.
After a few days of this he said, “You know, this is really boring around here, you need some music, What about a piano? They thought he was joking and said, where would we put a piano. He said “over there” and pointed. To get him off their case they said, “ok”.

Bernie could be a pain. But Bernie has friends. They are still his friends even though he is no longer with us. He called one of them up, met them at the back door in his wheel chair and suddenly, Physical Therapy had live music.

I was told to come into town. Bernie was dying. I talked with him for a while in a nursing home. It was a dismal place. I said, “Hey Bernie, do you want to play the piano in the cafeteria? ” He said , “yes”. It was a piece of junk. I move the bench and rolled up his wheel chair. There were about five people in the cafeteria just sitting in chairs staring off into space. He started to play. They started to act alive. Bernie played for about 15 minutes. I flew home. A few days later I flew back in for the funeral. Its been over 20 years. It is still a beautiful memory. I tear up.

There was no one in the world like Uncle Bernie. The lives of all that knew him are richer because of it.  He was a devoted musician, cook, friend, and an incredible uncle.

This video of am extravaganza at his house when Alessandra Mark was posted by one of his devoted friends.





Glass ลุงแก้ว

พอเพียง Paw Pieng translates as “enough”, or “sufficient”. It is one of the mottos and goals for the Thai People put forward by Rama IX, HRH King Bhumipol The Great. When he came to power there was a great deal of poverty and he wanted development projects that would provide enough for the people. His plan calls for reasonableness (or wisdom), moderation, and prudence. He said that the underlying conditions for this must be knowledge and moderation. Over the years before and during his reign its often been clear that there must be an economy of self sufficiency, that the country should be able to live without the outside world, be able to shield itself from the valleys of the world economy. In my mind I have decided that the word “sufficiency” is a better translation of this idea than “self sufficiency” because it stresses “enough”. Learning a little about this philosphy gave a new context for an old friend of mine, one of my personal heros, ลุงแก้ว Uncle Glass .

Uncle Glass is a very funny, joyous man. He is fast to smile, crack a joke, pull your leg, and smile again. He is not “well educated” but is very smart, and it would be mistake to underestimate him. He has a bad leg. I do not remember how his leg was hurt, his calf broken, but it was when he was a young man, maybe in his teens. He was put into a cart and taken to the doctors. The doctor said that his leg below the break would need to be amputated. The monks from the local Buddhist temple said that they could heal the leg. They took care of him, bathed him, changed his clothes, and fed him. I was told how long this healing took, but I remember only that it was most of a year. Lung Gaeow (Uncle Glass) can walk, but for most of his life he found a bicycle a better mode of travel at least for distances more than about 20 meters.

Until he retired, Uncle Glass lived in what in the US we might call “a shack”. It had a tin roof over the old one made of leaves or grass and short posts, and a wood floor. The walls did not protect from the wind much. His first wife got ill and he cared for her until she died. He remarried someone that he knew from school. I think he was in his fifties when this took place. She developed diabetes and became bed ridden. He cared for her until she died. His third wife he married only so that the village would not talk. She was already in bad shape and he could not care for her without there being gossip unless they were married. She was still alive in 2008 if my memory is correct. The world could use more people like him. He is a mensch, a great human.

When I visited him back then he was going to the river every morning on his bicycle, maybe about a 1 km ride. He would park and climb down the banks. At the river he set some hooks with bait and then wash. He carried water up the bank (maybe 20 feet down) and watered his garden. After several loads he would pull out the fishing gear. When I was there he caught about 5 skinny 4 inch fish. Up on the bank he put them directly on some leaves he set on fire. Then he sat down, got out some glutinous rice and spicy vegetables, and a shot or two of whiskey his son in law packed for him. The fish, now cooked dry, were packed in paper and he rode is his bike off to the pottery to make water jars. A good person helps people in need. A great person does this again and again. I had hoped to make a video about him, but I started just as his physical productivity was failing from age.  As I write this he is still a joy to be around.

Lung Gaeow appears in my Thai Pottery Video in the height contest( 02:57 ). After I returned to the US I was asked to write for grants to bring Thai potters to The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts Conference in 1991 in Tempe Arizona. Suwanee was to deal with all the arrangements in Thailand. I first asked for Uncle Good. I thought that he was nice, and had a love for making pots. He had a nice way with the traditional forms. He decided that he could not come because he was afraid that we would not have rice in the US and he could not eat bread. The word “eat” in Thai is really “eat rice”. The bread they sold in his part of Thailand was used as a desert dish, sort of like ultra-sweet Wonder®-type bread. The second person on our list had no birth certificate so they could not get a passport. Suwanee asked around. Finally two men agreed to come, “Craftsman Shotglass” (Chang Jork), and “Uncle Glass” (Lung Gaeow).

Lung Gaeow and Chang Jork (now deceseased) had a problem with alcohol. They were not anyone’s first choice but they were brave enough to come. Had I known more Glass would have been first on the list. My sole job at the conference was to take care of the 5 Thais, Suwanee (who could take care of herself) her sister (who stuck close to Suwanee), Mae (mom), and Chang Jork and Lung Gaeow. My Thai was rotten back then, but things worked out. So the morning after they arrived I went to see them. Gaeow says, “Louis, great to see you!” We are talking,,, how was the flight etc. “Louis, the flight was very nice but the airplane was cold, they brought us blankets.” “And you know Louis, they do have alcohol on the plane, I was worried. But it is so expensive and bottles are so little. Is it that expensive everywhere in America?”. I said, “no” .”You know Louis, we have alcoholism. Could you take us to buy some?”

So, I took them to the local alcohol store about a mile from their apartment. They walked in behind me. Gaeow grabs my arm kind of hard, it hurt a bit, “Louis, (he swings his arm to point across the store) Is all of this alcohol?” I answered, “No, that case over there is soda and Coke”. He said, “Louis, America is a great country!”.

He said, “Which type should be buy?” We finally settled on cheap beer. I picked up a six pack. They picked up two each. I showed them how to pay for it and we took it back to the apartment.

A couple of days later I stopped at the apartment. “Louis, we need more beer.” So we went back and got more. Gaeow told me that Jork could not read. Jork said,”Gaeow can’t read”, show us how to do this, then we won’t have to bother you.”
A few days went by. I was looking for them. They were not at the studio, not at Kurt Weiser’s house and not at the apartment. Then it dawned on me, “They are at the liquor store”. So I drove over to get them.

I walked in and they were not there. I turned to ask the cashier. He recognized me, “Its you!Where are those to guy’s from?” “Thailand”. “What language do they speak?” I answered “Thai” although really talking with each other its the local dialect. The cashier asked, ” Do you know what they did?” I am half already amused and a bit fearful.
“The rolled a big cigar with newspaper and a bunch of tobacco I think. The do smoke tobacco right?” I nod. ” You know, you can’t smoke in here” . I said that I would tell them. “After they lit that cigar, they squated in the back of the store in that language, What language did you say that was?” “Thai”. “Yeah, thats it. After a few minutes they came up to the counter, put thier hands on it and said, “Alcoholism, Alcoholism”. “I sold them some cheap whiskey. “You might want to tell them that they can’t drink in the store”. I thanked the cashier. As I was leaving he said, ” tell them the should not drink on the street either”.

So I head back to the apartment. “Louis!” Gaeow says,” I guess you were looking for us” . I said, “yes”. “Did you go to the liquor store?”Gaeow looks at Jork. “Yes” I said.
“I guess that the clerk said to tell us not to smoke in the store” I said, “Yes, it might explode”. “And we’re not supposed to drink in the store either?” “yes”. “Why not?” . “They don’t want drunk people in the liquor store”. Gaeow says something like, “how do they expect to make any money”. I tell them not to drink on the street. “They ask, “If we do, how much do we pay the police?” I explain that it is probably a mistake to try and buy off the police.

Chang Jork stopped by at Umdang Pottery when I was there in the early 2000’s. He gave me his Saw Duang ซอด้วง. This gift was probably the most significant of my life. He was not long on possessions. This was a return gift for bringing him to the US. He died a few years later.

I see Lung Gaeow nearly every time I go to Thailand. He is my elder. If I am to visit him I need to bring a gift. Normally this would be fruit, but he is an alcoholic so whiskey is what is expected. I no longer bring a full bottle.
Anyhow, I went to visit him about 15 years after his trip and he said, “Louis, Thanks for the whiskey. The neighbors don’t believe I ever was in America. Do you have any pictures of me there? And can you bring them here tomorrow?

I did not really understand this request until I stopped for another bottle of whiskey on the way the next day.

Lung Kaeow is retired. I saw him a few years ago.


This is going to be hard to start. It is hard to know when the beginning really is. Like most of these, this has not been edited much

I walked into high school in 11th grade. If my memory serves me right, a social studies teacher, Chuck Domstein handed me my schedule. I said, I have to change my math class. He said, “we can’t change your math class. I said, “No! I have to change it.” He said, “We can’t change it.” … I can’t take math with this teacher. He said, “Look, I told you we can’t change it just cause you don’t like the teacher.” I said, “She’s my mother”. He said, come lets see if we can change it. ”

It was complicated, I wanted to take Electronics, I needed to take choir, there was not much flex. So I tried to get into Drafting. It was full. Metals shop, full. Welding, full. Every foreign language either did not fit the schedule or it was full. Finally I ended up signing up for something. I really think that I was not sure what it was, it was called “Ceramics”.

Once a week I was taking piano lessons. I did not like the music. The teacher was trying to turn me into a concert pianist. It was not happening. I was practicing Ragtime, or at least playing it daily. The lessons did not go well, but they were kitty corner from the Detroit Public Library and I started checking out books on ceramics. I started with 2 or three a week and finally started checking out the limit of 5 on one subject. By the time I was done with 12th grade I knew a lot about clay. Over the summer I worked at a Jewish summer camp with an endowed ceramics shop. We had a salt kiln. I became involved with atmospheric surfaces. I built a wood burning raku kiln in my back yard and a wheel in the basement.

I started college with the intention of going into architecture. I was going to The University of Michigan School of Engineering. I felt like I kept getting kicked for trying to hard to learn and not taking the easy way out of assignments. After a little over a month it was clear that I was not going to hold out for four years. I was confused. A very smart friend gave me a matrix to use to straighten out priorities in complex and difficult decisions. Since this decision was driven by future employment/vocation this was the first column. I suggest that you do this.

In the first column write down all the jobs you ever wanted; every one. This might include garbage truck driver, sledge hammer operator, ceramic artist, computer programmer, hair dresser. Anything and everything. It has to really include everything you ever wanted to “be”.

The second column a list of positive attributes like: makes a lot of money, gets to pull those cool garbage truck levers, my parents would like it, get summers off, work outside, varied work, not challenging, very challenging.

The third column are the negative attributes. Note that some positive attributes might also be negative, not challenging, too challenging, parents will hate it/love it. Makes little money, no advancement, smells bad.

Then you have to rank the positives and negatives. This is the hard part. You have to use your motivation, your ranking. If you think lots of money is important to your parents but not you, then rank it low unless how your parents feel is very important to you and add it as another positive, “parents will like the high rate of pay”.

Then do the negatives. Then associate the numbers with the jobs. Please don’t try to add up numbers or anything like that. Things are way too complex and nuanced for this to work. It will however clarify motivations. It helped me clarify motivations surrounding earnings and risks. I probably would have come up with other choices by age 30, but that was 12 years later, I could not have found those motivations at age 18.

At the University of Michigan in the Art Department I took a variety of courses. They all seem tied to my future now although outside of ceramics I wondered about why I was taking them. There already seemed to be a hierarchy,, but I was immersed in clay. Kurt Weiser was my first college ceramics teacher. I was a work study under Chip Clawson.

Kurt suggested that I check out the Kansas City Art Institute. Finishing my first Art History final exam, I had my backpack with me. The Art History Course was An Overview of Asian Art History taught by Professor Walter Spinks. For almost the entire course he used slides that he shot himself. The last test included in the final was on a traveling exhbition called “Recent Archialogical Finds of China”. I left the final and hitchhiked to Kansas City to see the Art Institute . They were still in session.

About this class, the first test could have been a killer. It was designed to get you thinking. You had to identify half a bizzilion ( I remember 12 carousels I think holding 1000 slides total) images of the head of the Buddha by style. It was impossible to do without actually finding stylistic similarities. By the end you recognized the style by the eyes, the ears, the hair, the shoulders, the chin, the libs, by every detail. This had a big impact on me, but the most important part of the course were the descriptions of the cultures that produced the art. The course was my first exposure in any significant way to Ch’an, Zen, Taoism, Hinduism(s) Jainism, and Islam. I was taken by the political impetus for the stylistic changes in Chinese painting between Northern and Southern Sung dynasties. I became a fan of Mu Chi, and Li Cheng, but there were so many others.

The class was taught in a huge room with hundreds of seats. Along with a group of others I sat in the front row.

On the way into Kansas City I told my ride where I was going and he decided to drop me off. As I had never been there before this was great. He dropped me off next door at The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. Over the limestone front entrance was a banner, “Recent Archaeological Finds of China”. I ended up giving a young woman my age a guided tour. The Art Institute Ceramics shop that year had 50 ceramics majors. Most were transfer students. Each brought with them experience, skills and knowledge. It was vibrant, exciting, energetic and expensive. I did not think that my parents would monetarily support my going there. I finished by trip and worked another summer teaching kids ceramics at camp.

The next year was my second at The University of Michigan. I was not an easy or model student although I worked very hard. I rarely worked on assigned projects. I was unable to work on things in ceramics where my intrinsic motivation was not really high. What I needed was a really good psychological examination. It would have turned up ADHD although I think it had a different acronym back then, and Dysgraphia (essay later) It would probably have turned up the frequent bouts of depression. They were still mostly seasonal back then starting in mid February but by then cropped up in small bits all the time. At the end of the year I decided that if I stayed at the University of Michigan I would not gain the skills I wanted or needed in order to succeed in the field. I do not know if this was true although it seemed to be and still does. The program was fine for others.

I told my parents that I want to go to Kansas City. They said I could if I earned the difference in tuition over the summer. I found a job that would come within $30 of earning the difference this if I spent nothing over thesummer. I went to work. The first day I came home asthmatic. My memory of this was that I was almost unable to walk home. I probably should have been hospitalized. I told my parents I was quitting. My father went ballistic. I started looking for other work. Nothing stood a chance of making the difference. A friend road her bicycle over to tell me that I was going to be offered an “Assistant Manager” position at Burger King. In one of those flash decisions that happen when you are really tuned in, I decided and told her that I was leaving town in the morning. I hitchhiked to a friends house in Cincinati.

I did eventually get to school in Kansas City under the arrangement that my parents paid tuition and I covered everything else. I learned to cook good food inexpensively using “The No Fad, Good Food, 5$ a Week, Cookbook” . I bought very little food that was not unprepared. Exceptions were non-instant dry powdered milk, margarine, and very occasionally cottage cheese. One schoolyear I kept track of food costs. Not counting some beer it cost $3.27 per week. 

Beyond the art history from the U of Michigan, thinking back a short lesson in 5th Grade with Ms. Cohen(?) seems important. We learned about the word ethnocentrism. It took root. The idea that how we see the world is controlled by how we are brought up, that from inside a culture cultural practices seem to make sense, that from outside the culture they often seem wacky. Its been important. 

This idea, ethnocentrism, really naturally occuring disease, was studied at the college level in the courses “World Ethnography” and “Language and Culture” taught by Professonr Anderson at the KAnsas City Art Institute. I am lucky to have had the ability to take these courses.

One of the interesting things about pottery, especially as taught in the 1980’s and perhaps before is that most of the models, stories, and information that we learned was about Asia. We learned about Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Ceramics. Its not that there were not a few strong European models, we and our teachers were mostly not interested. Consequently information was scarce and hard to find. The big exceptions were information about The Leach School, The Bauhaus, and some Mediteranian ceramics and Majolica. 

I became enamoured with wood fired raw unglazed surfaces. I did not know the Japanese word Wabi Sabi, but others would categorize my interest as paralleling this concept. We fired a low fire wood kiln using a very coarse brick clay. We decorated mostly with slips, and the glazes were volitle and sensitive to temperature and atmosphere. After a year of this you either were in love with these surfaces or hate them.

This section needs to be chronologically disentangled.

When we got to graduate school we met Poonarat Pichaiyapaiboon. He is Thai. His English was fine but I helped him when it seemed appropriate. It turns out that I had alot of experience by then talking with people from other cultures. It probably started with my grandmother whose English was iffy. My best friends mother spoke with a strong Cuban accent. Growing up in a 90% Jewish neighborhood there were loads of people from Eastern Europe. In high school I worked in a Chinese Restaurant. The cooks and the owners English was fragmentary and the pronounciation was poor. In KAnsas City I took classes from MAdame Chu. Students would ask me for explanations after class. I could understand every word.

Summers I worked at a Jewish camp for children. One summer after thousand of refusniks had been allowed to 

Poonarat, was short, friendly, had an interesting sense of humor, and clearly was from another culture. He was fascinating and we became friends. Over summers I often worked at a summer camp.

One January before the start of the semester I went to Kay’s Rockhill Bar. It was a small neighborhood bar. There were always a few locals. There was a pool table, and Kay, a friendly owner/bartender. The ceramics department had 60 students and many of us hung out at Kay’s. 

There was a girl with long hair, beautiful eyes, and stripe on her pants, cook’s pants. Shy, mostly, especially with girls, I did something unusual for me. I walked up to her, stuck out my hand and said, ” Hi, I’d like you to meet Louis”. She looked around thinking that there was someone else. Her name was Gail Busch. She had a nice smile. 

A few days later I was out in front of his office and Ferguson, the KCAI Department Chair, a large gruff man with a huge reputation, walked up and said, “Louie, come here, sit down.” So I sat in his office across his desk from him.

”Louie, you gay?”
Louis: No Ken.
”You want a girlfriend?
”Sure”. I was thinking , ‘what, you got one in the closet, whats this about/’
Ken: Clean up your act, you know the drill, comb your hair, clean clothes, you know. 
People sometimes think that I don;’t know how to take advice, but this is often not true. I thought, ‘nothing else is working’, so I gave it a try. 

I bought new jeans at the Levi seconds store downtown. I started combing my hair. I wanted a good scientific test. So I carried a comb with me. Every time I moved from one place to another I took my comb out. I brought a toothbrush to school. I decided to iron my clothes. Pants, shirt, underwear. My socks had creases. I polished my shoes, and my belt.

We tended to go to the bar on Thursday and Friday nights after school. Thursday was difficult as school started at 9 am on Friday Mornings. My pool game got really good. I was especially good at leaving the cue ball in difficult positions for the other player. I started beat Mac most days. Mac was the resident shark. But on some days, I played my old rotten game, like my cue stick had a curve in it.

One day I came in and cleared the table on my second time up. He had not gotten a single ball sunk. He looked at me, looked at Gail and then said, ” I know what it is, you can only play well when she is here”. He was right.
So Gail and I was working out well. We went out, drank coffee ate pecan pie late at night, and made pots all the time. I was not really allowed in her dorm room and the doors going in were locked so she would throw the key on a cord out the window. One time the cord it was on got stuck in a tree. I had to borrow a ladder from the janitor. He was highly amused. Gail made me ommlettes, I made her kasha. I kept ironing my underwear.

That semester Gail’s mother wrote her. “Gail, have you met anyone?”

“Well there is this guy, but I am not sure he is my type. He is so clean cut!”

cuts, edits, saves,

Hangouts evolved in my class of ceramics students at The Kansas City Art Institute. The first year I was there I could not drink unless I snuck into a bar. I got good at this, but.
The next year I ended up going to Betty’s Hall. “Have a ball at Betty’s Hall”. We listened to the Kings of Jazz and danced country swing. I danced with a friend fairly often, it was a kind of contest between us, fast, hard and if you let go, you would fly into the wall. I had already learned not to drink much. Betty’s closed over the summer and the next fall we started going to Kay’s Rockhill Bar. It has a pool table. I was not very good.

There was a new student sitting on a stool at Kay’s. She had some blue pants on with a white stripe up the side. I walked up, stuck my hand out and said, ” Hi, I ‘d like you to meet Louis”. She looked around for Louis and then figured it out.

I graduated and decided to stay in school a semester. I signed up for an additional 3 credits for the next fall so that I could stay in school with Gail. We decided to go get summer jobs in San Francisco. We stayed with David. I got a job as a bicycle messenger. Gail was working nights as a cook on Fisherman’s Wharf. I was not doing good in the job. I was never good at hills on a bike. We never saw each other. After a month, it was clear that something had to change. So I called up the summer camp I used to work at, Tamarack, in Ortinville Michigan, and asked if they had jobs for us.

They did. We had to arrive a bit late for the start. We left San Francisco a day later. Camp had a policy, “Staff caught in compromising positions should expect to be terminated. Everyone always wanted to know which positions were compromising, but I proposed to Gail that we get married in Reno Nevada on the way. Gail thought Reno was tacky. We got married in Lovelock Nevada by the Justice of the Peace. Gail worked in the kitchen at camp and I worked in the ceramics shop.

The Camp director, a great jokester, gave us a mobile home to live in. It was on a small island in the main road. It had big bay windows. He removed all the curtains from it.